mental suggestion造句
- Vasiliev's book " Experiments in Mental Suggestion " was translated into English in 1963 and was popular with Western parapsychologists.
- They may have descended collaterally, along the lines of purely mental suggestion by virtue of mere social contact with preceding generations . ""
- Barbara leaves before the slaughter when she is summoned home by her mysterious pupil, a boy named Tom Tom who exhibits powers of mental suggestion.
- As Kirk and Tracey begin to fight, Spock notices a communicator near Cloud's female companion, and makes a mental suggestion which causes her to activate it.
- Post and Beilhart rejected much of the Christian Science doctrine, but embraced the religion's view that illness was an illusion and could be overcome by mental suggestion and self-sacrifice.
- He also explores alleged cases of witchcraft and murder by mental suggestion, compiling an impressive list of " occult criminology " ( people apparently being murdered under peculiar or unexplainable circumstances ) in support.
- As for the conclusions possible from Richet's data-and quite distinct from the misrepresentation of them by the complainant of these pages-Hacking himself interpreted them as showing that " there is some probability for the hypothesis of mental suggestion-low, but not negligible " ( p . 439 ).
- The combined influence of Carton's natural medicine and the " psychological medicine " of Hector and Henri Durville led the brothers, Gaston and Andr? to develop a " psycho-naturism " therapeutic method based on the combined use of physical agents, diet, massage, physical exercise, air baths, water and light, psychic agents, magnetism, hypnosis, mental suggestion and psychotherapy.
- In his presentation Braid stressed that, because he had clearly demonstrated that the effects of hypnotism were quite reconcilable with well-established physiological and psychological principles ( viz ., they were well connected to the prevailing canonical knowledge ), it was highly significant that none of the extraordinary effects that the mesmerists and animal magnetists routinely claimed for their operations such as clairvoyance, direct mental suggestion, and mesmeric intuition could be produced with hypnotism.
- It's difficult to see mental suggestion in a sentence. 用mental suggestion造句挺难的
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